Valley Husker In Season Surge

Valley Husker In Season Surge

Regular price $849.00



Are you a CJFL Football player wanting to dominate the game?

The old-School of thought is that In Season is a time when athletes should rest when not in competition. This school of thought has been proven to be flawed. Active In season development and Recovery for Athletes has several benefits. Here's an expanded perspective on how in-season training can help athletes improve rather than break down physically.

Sustainable Performance: In-season training isn't about overexertion; it's about maintaining a sustainable level of performance. Properly designed programs focus on managing the athlete's workload to prevent excessive fatigue and minimize the risk of overuse injuries.

Load Management: Science-backed load management techniques, such as tracking training volume and intensity, are integral to in-season training. By carefully monitoring these factors, coaches can ensure athletes are getting the right amount of work to improve without pushing them to the point of physical breakdown.

Recovery Integration: In-season training programs prioritize recovery as much as workouts themselves. This includes strategies like active recovery sessions, mobility work, and nutrition planning to help athletes recuperate faster and stay fresh for each game.

Injury Prevention: In-season training often includes injury prevention exercises that specifically target the muscles and joints vulnerable to football-related injuries. By strengthening these areas, athletes can reduce the likelihood of sprains, strains, and other common issues.

Physical Conditioning: Maintaining and improving physical fitness helps players cope with the demands of the season, reducing the risk of fatigue and injury.

Adaptability: Ongoing development allows players to adapt to different opponents and game situations, improving their overall performance.

Mental Sharpness: Consistent training helps keep players mentally engaged and focused, which can enhance decision-making on the field.

Enhanced Performance: Proper recovery ensures that players are rested and ready for the next game, maintaining high levels of performance throughout the season.

Reduced Fatigue: Recovery activities help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, allowing players to train and play effectively.

Mental Well-being: Recovery periods provide mental rest, reducing stress and burnout, and helping players stay motivated.

Longevity: Effective recovery can extend a player's career by reducing the wear and tear on their body over time.

Join Us August 9th as we introduce a 2 or 3 day regime designed to ensure you play at your peak throughout the 2024 season. We will be offering a Pre Game Tune up, Post Game recovery work and a Day to increase horse power and burst to your game.

In Season Surge 2024 will begin Friday August 9th with A Lactic Acid Flush the day before Gameday.

Wednesday Nights at 5:30 PM - Performance Boost

Friday Nights at 5:30 PM - Lactic Acid Flush

Monday Nights at 5:30 PM - Recovery Session

Month 1 Runs Aug 9th - Sept 4th

Month 2 Runs Sept 6th - Oct 2nd

Month 3 Runs Oct 4th - Oct 30tth

2 Days per week $249.00 Per Month

1 Home work Lift per week

In Season Nutrition Plan

24 Hour Membership at Fit For Change

3 Days per week $325.00 Per Month

1 Home work Lift per week

In Season Nutrition Plan

24 Hour Membership at Fit For Change

$849.00 Full Program 3 days per week all 3 Months

Drop in session $50 

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